Diversity is a beautiful thing. Apple products, Androids, Chromebooks, or whatever the latest and greatest gadget may be, everyone has their favorite.

The important thing is giving students access to the digital educational materials they need using their smartphones, iPhones, tablets, laptops or chromebooks for your BYOD technology program. The challenge is making sure their devices stay in good working order and having a plan for when they aren’t. Regardless of who bought the device - mishaps are going to happen.

With TechSurety, the inevitable is not an issue. We make device protection for BYOD programs easy to purchase and simple to use.

We offer discounts for BYOD programs and we manage the entire device repair process with a stress-free online claims process. Our claims system was designed with a focus on Educational technology programs with features tailored to those needs.

We make it easy for parents or school administrators to get their students back in the game by diagnosing and repairing their devices within 24 hours of receipt.

Great coverage, easy claims processes, an all US-based customer care team, and a discounted rate, all offered by an industry leader.

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